Manufacturers Lead Through Innovation: Made In Elk Grove Manufacturing & Technology Expo returns for its ninth year Monday, October 17.
ELK GROVE, IL- Now its ninth year and demonstrating that without question, manufacturers are leading the way through innovation, the Made in Elk Grove Manufacturing & Technology Expo returns to Elk Grove High School, 500 W. Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007, on Monday, October 17, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Exhibitors are invited to the Luncheon & Business Excellence Awards Ceremony at 11:30 a.m., where winners will be acknowledged in Innovation, Sustainability, Community Support, and Industrial Development of the Year distinctions. The exhibitor portion of the event opens to the public from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Elk Grove-based exhibitors can register here and general attendees can register here.
Hosted by the Village of Elk Grove—which has recently received top industrial park ranking from Business Facilities Magazine and the Municipality of the Year Award from Real Estate Journals Magazine—the Made in Elk Grove Manufacturing & Technology Expo celebrates the vast industrial business community and invites attendees to a day-long networking, learning, and recognition experience. Through direct connection with the decision-makers in key industries such as precision machining, plastics, electronics, technology, food, industrial services and more, Village of Elk Grove and Made in Elk Grove Manufacturing & Technology Expo capitalizes on innovation being used to move forward in our communities.
“The recent accolades we’ve received from Business Facilities Magazine and Real Estate Journals Magazine only confirms what we have known all along—that the Village of Oak Grove is an unparalleled hub for manufacturers, innovators and entrepreneurs,” says Elk Grove Village Mayor Craig Johnson. “Hosting the ninth year of the Made in Elk Grove Manufacturing & Technology Expo is truly an honor and proves that ‘leading through innovation’ is not just a catch phrase, but the only way to move forward in 2022 and beyond.”
Established in 2013, The Made in Elk Grove Manufacturing and Technology Expo celebrates the heart of Elk Grove Village’s manufacturing and technology community and is a great opportunity for companies to build new partnerships with local suppliers. Each year, the Expo sees more than 1,000 attendees and more than 100 exhibitors.
For more information or to register for free admission, visit
Tune in to hear from Chris Brown, Vice President of Sales at CADDi, a leading manufacturing solutions provider. We delve into Chris’ role of expanding the reach of CADDi Drawer which uses advanced AI to centralize and analyze essential production data to help manufacturers improve efficiency and quality.