Employers Must Prioritise Lone Worker Safety - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

December 7, 2023 Employers Must Prioritise Lone Worker Safety

With remote working showing no signs of going anywhere, StaySafe is encouraging businesses to keep their lone workers safe.

As remote work continues to be an integral part of the modern business landscape, StaySafe, part of EcoOnline, a leading provider of lone worker safety solutions, has emphasised the need for companies to establish and clearly communicate robust lone worker safety policies. Recent trends in Google searches for ‘lone worker alarm’, ‘lone worker policy’, and ‘lone worker definition’, coupled with the latest YouGov data, highlight the urgency of this matter.

Google Trends data highlights a notable surge in searches related to lone worker safety, with ‘lone worker alarm’ increasing more than 5000% in the last 90 days, and ‘lone worker policy’ and ‘lone worker definition’ up 80% and 70% respectively1, in the same timeframe. This indicates that businesses and individuals are actively seeking ways to enhance the safety of those who work independently.

The latest YouGov data further highlights the changing landscape of the workforce; with pandemic restrictions a distant memory, the work-from-home trend shows no signs of going anywhere, despite headlines suggesting otherwise. The latest figures suggest that 17% of UK workers now operate in fully remote roles, and 33% work in hybrid positions2, reflecting half the workforce – or 16.5 million people3. So to ensure the safety and wellbeing of employees, businesses must adapt to this evolving work environment by implementing comprehensive safety measures and policies tailored to lone workers, and ensuring all employees are aware of policies.

StaySafe understands the evolving needs of businesses and lone workers and is dedicated to providing innovative and reliable solutions to ensure the safety of those working alone. The StaySafe app offers a range of features, including real-time location updates, emergency alarms, and regular check-ins to guarantee the well-being of employees operating in remote or isolated environments.

Richard Bedworth, Vice President of Sales for StaySafe at EcoOnline, emphasised the importance of prioritising lone worker safety. He stated, “The recent increase in Google searches and the changing nature of remote work in the UK are clear indicators of the evolving work landscape. It is now more critical than ever for businesses to establish robust lone-worker safety policies and communicate them effectively to employees. Our own research found that despite 97% of businesses having lone-worker policies, a fifth of workers were not aware of their employer’s policy4.

StaySafe is committed to helping organisations address this challenge by providing state-of-the-art solutions that protect lone workers and offer peace of mind to both employers and employees.”

StaySafeApp.com encourages businesses to take a proactive stance in safeguarding their lone workers by utilising the latest technology and industry best practices. The StaySafeapp is designed to meet the unique needs of lone workers, and its user-friendly features ensure that employees can easily access help when needed.

For more information about StaySafe and its lone worker safety solutions, please visit www.staysafeapp.com.

About StaySafeApp.com
StaySafe is a smartphone app and cloud-based monitoring service which monitors employee location via GPS or satellite whilst they are at work and alerts their employer if they do not check-in within a specified time. The app offers a wide range of functions including panic button, check-in, fall detection and duress alerts. StaySafe currently protects the lives of thousands of employees within both major brands and small businesses, in more than 40 countries.

1 Google Trends data correct as of 08/11/2023

2 https://yougov.co.uk/society/articles/47779-half-of-workers-now-working-from-home-at-least-some-of-the-time

3 ​​https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-9366/CBP-9366.pdf

4 StaySafe Lone Worker Landscape Report


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