Why Your Industry Could Benefit from Fixed Wire Testing - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

August 18, 2020 Why Your Industry Could Benefit from Fixed Wire Testing

It is very important to stay abreast of safety requirements particularly in the manufacturing sector.

Ask any professional in the manufacturing industry and they’ll say the same: safety is everything. With different workplaces and plants having their own entirely unique and demanding profiles for risk, it’s important more than ever to stay abreast of safety requirements and to take any opportunity available to have your business appraised and checked for compliance.

The numbers don’t lie. There were 26 fatal injuries in the manufacturing sector in 2019, with manufacturing workers statistically more likely to be injured compared to those in non-manufacturing sectors.

Fixed wire testing

Required by law for all properties, fixed wire electrical testing remains mandatory and important to any manufacturing operation. Whether multi-environment or just one static premise, skilled engineers are able to attend your site to check its wiring and equipment.

In many cases, this also leads to your fixed wire testing engineer also offering advice on equipment that can be configured or purchased for better energy efficiency – a point of importance to any business owner seeking to streamline their budget and operation.

How often is it needed?

The frequency of performing fixed wire electrical testing isn’t set in stone for all properties. Instead, it varies depending on the factors you’d expect: the quality and frequency of existing or previous maintenance and the factors and elements that influence the premise throughout the year. Industrial environments, for instance, are mandated by law to be tested by a certified professional every three years. Other types of properties and industries may have longer or shorter windows.

It protects your staff

Fewer industries have more emphasis placed on workplace safety as manufacturing. With staff operating a wide variety of powerful machinery throughout each working day, it’s vital that safety begins with the worker and their environment both.

Electrical injuries in the workplace are no laughing matter and cause fatalities. As far as your fixed wiring is concerned, poor performance and safety in these areas can lead to injuries such as the overloading of equipment and circuits in your manufacturing plant – a risk which can lead to serious electrical burns and similar injuries. Fixed wire inspections make the difference here and they make it decisively.

A proactive owner’s opportunity

We get it; fixed wire electrical testing isn’t the most glamorous subject. What surprises many business owners, however, is just how much it can potentially save them. By creating a regular schedule and working with a trusted testing provider, owners of manufacturing plants and industrial properties can make staggering savings on their budgets by improving how energy efficient their operation is.

This is something your engineer can make recommendations on when they perform your testing. The internet abounds with stories of thousands or tens of thousands saved off modest energy-reduction initiatives applied thoroughly and at scale and that benefit could be available to you too.

Required by law, good for business

And so we can see the real benefit available as a result of ensuring your fixed wire electrical testing is done properly and to a good schedule. By being proactive with your work and serious about safety and compliance your own operation can turn a legal requirement into a competitive edge, trimming your budget and saving on costs while making your workplace safer.

That’s a real win-win result! We hope you’ve found today’s article helpful and informative. By meeting your legal requirements in full and benefiting from the additional advice and service of a certified engineer, you’ll be ticking a box off your busy to-do list in no time – and you’ll have a good shot at a happier bottom line, too.


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