What Are the Top 5 Ways to Get Customer Feedback? - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

August 4, 2021 What Are the Top 5 Ways to Get Customer Feedback?

Some of the best ideas come straight from our customers’ minds. They know what they want; give them an AI-based tool to help them tell you.

By Rasto Ivanic, GroupSolver Co-founder and CEO

You might be stunting your growth by not giving the people exactly what they want. This is why getting customer feedback is so essential to your company’s success.

Why is customer feedback to important?

Before we dive in, it is important to understand what customer feedback is. Customer feedback is information you get directly from your customers about their thoughts, experiences, and feelings towards your company. It can be related to the brand itself, a certain product they purchased, or service that you completed for them.

Customer feedback is important because not only are you giving your customers an opportunity to voice their opinions, but you can make important business decisions based on the input you receive.

If most people respond positively, then you can confidently continue doing what is working for them. But if customers are reporting complaints, then you know there is something you need to fix in order to address the issue.

You should keep an open mind to both positive and negative feedback. Remember that any feedback—regardless if it is hard to hear—is beneficial for your company’s success. In this article we will share with you some common ways to get helpful feedback from your audience.

How do you ask customer for feedback?

The tricky part about customer feedback is that not everyone will step forward and provide feedback on their own. Many times, it is up to you to approach customers through different channels. Requesting feedback does not seem like rocket science, but there is certainly an art to it.

You have to be mindful of the types of questions you ask and what tools you want to use. There are a multitude of ways for you to ask for customer feedback. The right choice may depend on several variables such as budget, your target audience, and what the objectives are. Whichever route you choose, the fact that you are seeking feedback means you are on the right track.

What are the top 5 top tools?

Now we will go through 5 different examples for how you can ask for feedback from your customers.


Let’s start with our personal favorite method: surveys. Surveys are the way to go if you want to get high quality feedback from a large sample, as well as do in-depth analysis. Previously, phone surveys were the most popular. Nowadays, online surveys through different panel providers (platforms that provide access to survey respondents) or email lists are more common.

What’s great about surveys is that you can ask many questions and get rich data for analysis. The setback is that you need to make sure you are asking the right questions. Larger-scaled surveys also can be a little pricey. But if your budget can allow for it, the rich insights you gain will be well worth the cost.

Web forms and feedback boxes

Think of web forms or feedback boxes as if they were a mini survey. Usually, they are 1-3 questions asking customers about their experiences after a purchase or visit from your store—for both online and in-person shopping. They tend to appear on the website or are sometimes sent through emails.

Web forms and feedback boxes are a good tool if you are trying to get a general pulse on satisfaction but lack if you are trying to get detailed data. For instance, if someone placed an order for a new pair of shoes off a retailer’s website, they may receive an email a couple of weeks later to review the product. This gives the retailer an idea of how the customer is feeling without getting too deep.

Focus groups

A focus group is a traditional market research method in which you take a small group of people who fit your target audience and ask them a series of open-ended questions for them to answer.

The upside to focus groups is that they provide detailed feedback from people in real-life. The downside is that they can be costly and sample size is limited. You may only have about 10 different data points to analyze. This is why focus groups are best for those who need specific answers from a particular audience but are not trying to get a wide range of responses from a large sample.

Customer interviews

Like focus groups, customer interviews grant you detailed answers to open-ended questions you ask. Because these are customers that agreed to being interviewed, the chances are that the data you receive may be skewed towards a positive bias.

However, interviews give your customers an opportunity to share their voice with you from valued personal experience. You should conduct customer interviews when trying to make informed decisions based on those who are loyal to your brand.

Social media

In the age of social media, asking for feedback on various social media platforms is more common than ever. You may notice a quick 5-point scale question pop up on your Facebook feed or a poll on an Instagram story.

What’s wonderful about social media is that you get real-time feedback from active users. But just like a web form/feedback box, the amount of feedback you get is limited. Social media should be used as a quick check-in to see how your customers are feeling, not for full-scale feedback. It’s also great if you are trying to stay connected and engaged with your audience.

Hear from your customers through our innovative AI-powered platform

Some of the greatest ideas come straight from our audiences’ minds. Getting customer feedback is essential not only to get their pulse, but to make big business decisions that meet their needs and desires. From a quick Instagram story to a major market research study, it’s time to pass the mic to the customers.

We mentioned that surveys are our favorite tool to gather customer feedback because it provides rich insights at scale. One platform that gives you an additional boost thanks to an AI-based intelligent platform quantifies qualitative data. This lets your customers’ stories and feelings come to life.

rasto ivanic

Rasto Ivanic

About the Author
Rasto Ivanic is a co-founder and CEO of GroupSolver® – a market research tech company. GroupSolver has built an intelligent market research platform that helps businesses answer their burning why, how, and what questions. Before GroupSolver, Rasto was a strategy consultant with McKinsey & Company and later he led business development at Mendel Biotechnology. During his career, he helped companies make strategic decisions on developing and managing new businesses, pursuing market opportunities, and building partnerships and collaborations. Rasto is a trained economist with a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Purdue University, where he also received his MBA.


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