FlashForge USA & Commercial 3D Printers - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

October 10, 2022 FlashForge USA & Commercial 3D Printers

How FlashForge USA serves the commercial 3D printer market and users.

flashforge creator4 humidor front

Founded in 2013, FlashForge USA, offering its FDM machines to homes, print farms, design studios, and education.

Until now, the firm’s existing portfolio has comprised accessibility-focused machines like the Adventurer 3 and Adventurer 4, as well as mid-range dual-extrusion 3D printers like the Creator MaxCreator Max 2, and Creator 3 Pro.

The year 2021 brought with it the addition of the professional and commercial verticals, with the Creator 4 now taking the limelight as FlashForge USA’s flagship 3D printer. The machine is now the highest-performance offering in the company’s lineup, featuring an IIDEX (Interchangeable Independent Dual Extruder System) setup with a sizable 400 x 350 x 500mm build volume.

To build onto the momentum, Hunter S will be available to the North America market in Q1 2023. Cater to the dentistry, Hunter S is fully compatible with NextDent dental resins with all of applications (surgical guide, aligner, denture bases, model, try-in, tray, splint, and gingiva mask).

Watch for this commercial space as FlashForge USA will have a few more surprises in 2023 and beyond.


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