Handling Stress - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

January 18, 2019 Handling Stress

How to Keep Your Mental Health in Check at Work

January 18, 2019

Work is something that most adults do throughout the majority of their life. For some, it’s fulfilling; for others, it’s a way to earn a living. One of the things that work often brings to many is stress. This pressure can have adverse effects on an employee’s mental health if not effectively managed. Although mental health is something that was once stigmatized, it has become a topic open for discussion. This could be because with stress coming from so many different directions, people need help coping with life on a daily basis. In light of that, you’re going to find out how you can keep your mental health in check at work below.

Be Mindful

Mindfulness is something that is gaining a lot more attention in the modern world. In case you don’t know what mindfulness is, it is a mental training practice that requires that you focus your mind on your experiences in that present moment. The purpose of this practice is to help minimize distractions so that your mind can quiet down. It can prove to be a great practice for working people who struggle to take their mind off the many demands the office brings.

Try and practice mindfulness a couple of times a day, especially when you feel stressed or frustrated. In doing so, you’re protecting your mental health and also improving your output at work.

Check Warning Signs

Your mind and body often give you warning signs when you may be close to a mental breakdown. Pay attention to those signs and try not to ignore them if you don’t want your mental health to begin deteriorating. A few warnings signs to look out for include:

  1. Depression: A warning sign that your mental health may be at risk is you developing depression. Some common symptoms of depression are fatigue, extreme mood swings, loss of interest in things you enjoy and feelings of hopelessness.
  2. Anxiety: Anxiety can make you worry more than you should and is sometimes caused by demands in the workplace. If you’re beginning to feel overburdened, it may be worth seeing if you can reduce your workload.
  3. Addiction: At times, people look for forms of escapism to help them deal with overwhelming stress, and it leads them to addiction. If you find that you’ve become dependent on drugs or alcohol as a way of coping, consider seeking help from drug treatment centers in Florida.

Don’t Overdo It

You shouldn’t wait until your mental health is at risk to take a break and slow down. Work will always be there, so you shouldn’t sacrifice your health to get ahead. Instead, learn to look after yourself and get an adequate amount of rest. You should also be taking breaks during work hours so that you get a chance to reboot and come back refreshed. Avoid working non-stop for hours as this could also affect your physical health, especially if you’re working at a desk.

Mental health is a sensitive topic and one that shouldn’t be swept under the rug. As you spend a lot of time at work, it’s essential that you make sure it’s an environment that’s healthy for you. In doing so, you can develop a career and look after your health simultaneously.

About the Author
Maggie Hammond is a retired nurse and freelance writer, exploring and writing in the U.S. in retirement. An advocate for public health and nursing qualifications, she feels passionate about raising awareness of the current strain on public health organisations.


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