Packaging Solutions for Eco-Responsible Business - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

September 7, 2018 Packaging Solutions for Eco-Responsible Business

More and more customers and eco-enthusiasts tend to buy products from business which care for our planet and environment.

Photo by from Pexels

Pollution is one of the biggest plagues of our planet. Go into any shop and you’ll see things wrapped in plastic and canned in metal, all of which is bagged once again into plastic bags for transport. In short, this is such as unsustainable way to live, and it’s slowly destroying our planet.

As a business, it’s your responsibility to take control over the choices that you make. There are more and more customers and eco-enthusiasts tend to buy products from business which care for our planet and environment. So eco-friendly packaging alternatives and solutions are not a choice, it is a necessity of our days for each business.

Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds, especially when it comes to packaging since there are so many eco-friendly alternatives available. Today, we’ll explore some of the best solutions for your business.

Use Recycled Materials

There are so many eco solutions out there that are made from recycled materials. All you need to do is look for the standard chasing arrow. Alongside this arrow logo, you should find the percentage of that packaging that comes from recycled materials.

The higher this percentage, the eco-friendlier your product packaging is. This kind of solution will also use glues, adhesives and inks that are eco-friendly. You can find some great alternatives, including bags and even filling foam.

Use Eco-Friendly Plastic and Organic Materials

Plastic is one of the enemies of the environment but there are many kinds of eco-friendly plastic packaging on the market. This type of plastic has a high rate of degradation and saves our planet from plastic debris which accumulates and breaks down into smaller particles and microplastics.

Some types of eco-friendly plastic are made from recycled polyethene, and some degradable and decompose in the presence of environmental factors like water and heat.

Organic materials are grown from agricultural waste like mushroom roots which calls mycelium. This packaging solution is non-toxic, biodegradable and renewable.

Consider Your Filling

If you’re delivering something to your customers in a box, to protect it during transit, you may already use some kind of Styrofoam filling. Unfortunately, this packaging is made from petroleum-based substances and isn’t eco-friendly.

“Instead, there are many biodegradable filler options that are reasonably priced compared with the mainstream solutions. One of the most popular filler solutions comes from EcoCradle Mushroom Packaging and can supply a 20-cubic foot bad of filling for around $2 more than its conventional counterpart,” says Fiona Dawson, an editor from Boom Essays and Essayroo.

Mainstream boxes are made of paper which goes from trees but there are forests which are sustainably managed. For this, there are a variety of certifications like Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) to deliver eco-friendly solution.

Only Use What You Need

Hand in hand with the consideration above, ask yourself if you really need to use the size box that you’re using to package your products. Does it really need to be that big and filled with filler or could you use a smaller box that will simply be protected due to its size?

For example, look at Apple. Their phones and devices come in very space-conscious packaging where everything has a place, it’s nicely laid out and maximises its space, consequently causing less waste.

The best choice for businesses is to use packaging by reducing volume and size helps to improve carbon footprint by using fewer materials and takes less space in production transportation.

If Big Businesses Can Do It, So Can You

One of the main excuses that businesses make is that it’s not in their budget and many other bigger businesses don’t do it, causing much more of an impact. However, there are many leading, worldwide businesses that are making an effort.

Take Hersey’s, for example. This huge, globally-operating company has aimed to make their factories and facilities free from any waste going to landfill by 2025. They also plan to cut their greenhouse gases in half.

Consider how massive the Hersey’s company is and how much of an impact this will make. With this in mind, it’s more than achievable to reach a 0% waste level.

Consider Your Shipping Provider

Of course, delivery vans driving around all day every day isn’t going to be good for the planet. In fact, there are over 3.5 million drivers in the US alone. That’s a lot of heat, fuel and engine emissions to consider, but, people and businesses still need their parcels delivered.

Fortunately, it’s easier than ever before. The US Environmental Protection Agency hosts a program known as SmartWay. This program is set up to inform you of low-emission transport and delivery companies that you can change to.

If a company is SmartWay-Certified, this means the company has been checked for everything, from correct tyre inflation to drivers taking the most efficient routes.

“These may all seem like little changes on their own, but all these little movements come together to create one big change. This makes it even easier than ever before to become an eco-responsible and for your business to do its bit in preserving the planet and all those that inhabit it,” says Maria Gonzales, a business developer at Academized and UKWritings.

Improve Your Business Brand Image

Becoming the eco-responsible business not only creates a cost-effective business model, increase profit but also improves your brand image. The amount of customers worldwide who make their buying decisions based on business’ eco-responsibility.

According to study conducted by Unilever, 21% of people would actively choose brands if they provide eco-friendly alternatives and solutions in their packaging and marketing. Also, customers feel better buying products from eco-responsible businesses.

Based on the situation and environmental problems, eco-consciousness is no longer a modern trend or popular buzz. It is the way of life. So providing packaging alternatives and solutions will help to create a positive brand image. Also, businesses can benefit from it as image of eco-responsible business helps to gain more customers and build loyalty.


Eco-friendly packaging alternatives are not a choice, it is a necessity of our days for each business. There are lots of benefits for companies which provide eco-friendly packaging alternatives and solutions. It reduces business costs, helps to create positive brand image, helps to attract more customers and build loyalty.

Grace Carter is a writer and editor at PaperFellows and AustralianHelp services, where she develops courses on business writing and teaches writing department. Also, Grace is a tutor at Big Assignments academic website.


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