The Industrial Water Softening Industry - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

October 29, 2019 The Industrial Water Softening Industry

A glance at the industrial water softening industry – facts, market size and more.

Water softeners are the most efficient way to deal with hard water, and of all the known methods, leaves the least effects. The water softening industry seems to be growing at an exponential rate, and as water is necessary for industrial purposes, the use of water softeners in industries also seems to be rising. As a result of this, we take a look at some of the facts about the water softening in industrial purposes:

  • Water usage: The industrial water usage accounts for one-fifth of the total consumption of clean water in the world with a large part of this usage coming from industrially developed countries. Hospitals, manufacturing plants and factories all rely heavily on clean water and as such take extra precautions to ensure that their demand is met, including making use of commercial grade water softeners. The use of such softeners guarantees the presence of clean water, as well as eliminates any particles present, and also helps to prevent particle build-up in pipes.
  • Reduces maintenance cost and extends the life expectancy of equipment: One of the most common effects of hard water is it adverse effect on apparatus and equipment that it comes contact with. It corrodes metal pipes, and causes accumulation in pipes that can cause them to burst, leading to ruined infrastructure as well. All of these effects are prevented with the use of industrial water softeners as it ensure only clean water is supplied.
  • It reduces energy costs: All tasks are more efficient when all ingredients required are pure. The same applies to water in industrial use. When impure water is being used, it can cause processes to take a longer period of time, causing equipment to consume more power. In the same way, impure water can also alter the functionality of machines like water heaters, causing them to function slowly. Industrial water softeners ensure that only clean water is supplied, and thus, all equipment will function the way they are meant to.
  • Provides drinkable water: Industrial water softeners do a lot more than just soften water, it also ensure that the water is drinkable. Whether it is at a manufacturing plant, or a factory, or a hospital, drinking water is always necessary and the use of an industrial water softener gives you free drinking water. This requirement proves especially useful in a manufacturing plant, or hospital setting where there are a lot of people present and large quantities of drinking water is required on a daily basis. The water softener will cater for this demand and help save extra cost on purchasing drinking water.

Further research into water purification has yielded positive information and you can find out more on the importance of water treatment, and how you can install an industrial water softener in your own business or industry.

Market Size

Thanks to the numerous advantages of an industrial water softener, the market size seems to be on the rise all around the world. As developed countries are more exposed to industrialization, the use of industrial water softeners is higher in such nations and as such, there is a more prominent market for it, as compared to under-developed or developing countries where industrialization is still in its infancy. While residential water softeners are still the most frequently used water softeners, industrial water softeners account for a good percentage of water softeners purchased worldwide, with about 30% of the total number of water softeners purchased annually. As we continue to develop and expand, there seems to be a more rapid amount of industries emerging across the world, leading to an in the demand for industrial water softeners, has seen a prediction that the amount of water softeners purchased would be would rise by over 50% by the year 2025. Further analysis on the market size of industrial analysis can be found here.

It is best to make use of industrial water softeners in industrial setting, where manufacturing and creation are in abundance, and large amounts of water are required. This way, all the benefits of a water softener will be available to you. If the water softener is however needed for home use, then a residential water softener is needed, and there are water softeners available for use at home. Keep in mind to select a good system by looking at reviews on the web.

Advantages of industrial water softener over residential water

While residential water softeners are still preferred to industrial water softeners, even in some industries, industrial water softeners provide some advantages over the residential water softeners. Some of these advantages include:

  • It reduces the amount of chemicals needed to purify water: Water softeners are designed to eliminate the hardness in water. This is achieved by neutralizing the chemicals in hard water, through the action of other chemicals present in the water softener. Industrial softeners don’t require as much chemicals as regular water softeners, due to the fact that they can treat larger amount of water at the same time.
  • It has lower maintenance costs: Proper maintenance practices are essential for extending the shelf life of all products, and these practices are all the more important when such a machine or device is expensive. There may be costs to help facilitate the maintenance, such as replacing chemicals, and since industrial water softeners consume less than regular water softeners, the cost of maintaining them is lower.
  • Lower energy consumption costs: Water softeners usually function by using energy, and as such, when they function for too long, they can run up your power bill. Regular water softeners can only treat small amounts of water at a time so in order to treat large amounts of water (which is usually the case in industrial settings), you would need to continuously have your water softener working. This not only runs up your power bill, but with such continuous strain on the machine, can cause your water softener to malfunction. They also help ensure that appliances don’t get faulty, and require excessive amounts of power to function.

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