Advantages of an Intuitively Designed Borescope - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

March 9, 2020 Advantages of an Intuitively Designed Borescope

Borescopes are used video inspections of areas that are difficult to access.

A borescope is common industrial equipment that is used for the video inspection of areas that are inaccessible or difficult to reach without disassembly. Though there are many different types of borescopes available in the market today, it is important that you select the right borescope for your operations. Many borescopes available in the market today have cheap fiber optics that make them less reliable and also difficult to repair. Along with this, many borescopes do not offer articulation and are completely rigid.

It is important that you get an intuitively designed borescope as its advantages over a generically designed borescope.

Strategic Design

Strategic designing is the foundation of all good borescopes. Borescopes must be ultra-portable, lightweight and easy to operate. Big bulky borescopes make the inspection more difficult rather than making it the job easier for the user. Some borescopes even have an ergonomic pistol grip along with precisely placed controls which improve the efficiency of the job. A strategic design also allows the users to start using the borescope right out of the box.

Auxiliary Flashlight

It is important that the borescope has an auxiliary flashlight. Such flashlights are often installed behind the main unit. This results in a reliable source of light for any hard to see low light areas. Such flashlight modes are also located in an easy to access locations so that the user does not have to fiddle around when in need of operation and can easily switch off and on the flashlight when needed. Flashlights in high-grade borescopes also have adjustable light intensities so that the user can variate them as per their requirements. Flashlights can reach light intensities as high as 80,000 lux.

Quick-Lock Removable Magnetic base

A quick lock magnetic base is a great feature on some borescopes that allows the users to connect or disconnect the main borescope from the base of the unit. This allows the users to go from bench testing to ultra-portability in no time. Such magnetic locks have an audible ‘click’ that clearly indicates when the unit is completely secure.

Intuitive User interface

An intuitively designed borescope will, for sure have well laid out controls in such a way so that the user can easily see the symbols and directives. This not only allows for fewer errors when doing the inspection but also improves the overall time to complete a job. Along with well laid out buttons for good user interface, an HD screen is also quite common on good borescopes. The screen allows the users to see clearly what they are looking for and stop squinting to find the minor details. A small screen is terrible for users as it causes headaches and may cause the user to miss out significant details.

Joystick controlled articulation

Articulation is quite effective in reaching hard to access areas with ease. Advanced borescopes have 4-way 360˚ manual articulation. A joystick-controlled articulation allows for far greater user control and accessibility as compared to any non-articulating borescope. The borescopes manufactured by such as ‘Recon’ have joystick controlled articulation. This precise articulation combined with interchangeable probes and high pixel digital camera is a true sign of an intuitively designed borescope.

recon video borescope


Companies spend a long time and effort in the R&D of their advanced borescopes. As you can see, an intuitively designed borescope has several advantages and features that an average borescope cannot compete with. Though the market is filled with all types of borescopes, the ideal choice is to get yourself a borescope that is intuitively designed so that it does the job right each and every time.


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