6 Different Types of Links in 2020 - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

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July 20, 2020 6 Different Types of Links in 2020

A review of the links you should have on your web site.

types of website links

Links remain to be an essential factor in any digital marketing campaign. Search engines, particularly Google, favorably regard well-placed links and backlinks, which are links that you receive from external sources. This means that you’ll rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs) if you’ve acquired these types of links.

To cater to the changing needs and preferences of consumers, who happen to be web users as well, the processes involved in link building continue to evolve. One aspect you have to consider is in evaluating the links you use in your content and make sure to keep up with the developments in the industry. Take advantage of different link sources to maximize your digital marketing campaign.

Here are some links that you should have on your website this 2020:

  1. Editorial Links

A lot of people think that niche edits and editorial links are similar. While they both involve adding links to a page that’s already indexed by search engines, the latter provides more context, which, in turn, offers more value to end-users. Read resources on editorial links vs. niche edits to learn more about their differences.

Generally, niche edits entail a relatively straightforward process. It just involves finding indexed content with relevant text that you can use as an anchor for the link. However, the risk here is that the added URL may not make sense in the context of the entire article.

Editorial links, on the other hand, involve editing the content itself. Usually, a few paragraphs are added containing relevant keywords for the URL’s anchor text. Moreover, the hyperlink’s content must also align or, at least, supplement the passage’s context for a more holistic approach.

For your link building campaign, you should focus on editorial links, whether in your indexed pages or for guest posts. This way, your content will be perceived as having more value to web users – also known as your potential customers.

Some tips to help you make the most of your editorial links:

  • Namedrop Another Company: Other businesses will be more open to providing you with editorial link opportunities if you mention their brand in your content. This form of publicity can help both of you. However, you should be mindful of the companies you namedrop in your content since mentioning competitors may backfire on your efforts. Focus on businesses that compliment your products and services instead.
  • Partner with PR Professionals: Public relations (PR) experts have connections to authoritative sites. They are also proficient in spotting engaging and compelling content. When you partner with them, you may be able to take advantage of their networks and industry knowledge for your editorial links.
  • Initiate Content Updates: If you’ve already published guest posts on authoritative sites, you can reach out to them for content updates whenever you have crucial additions or modifications to the article. In doing this, you can boost the relevance or freshness signal for your backlink and the source.
  • Organize Interviews: Interviews have always been an excellent tool for publicity. Moreover, this type of content also generates more clicks and backlinks because of the first-hand information that it provides. Try your best to organize interviews or accept proposals from blogs within your industry.

website links backlinks

  1. Guest Blogging Backlinks

Backlinks are much coveted in digital marketing, particularly for search engine optimization (SEO), since they offer multiple benefits for your website. This type of link is valuable for search engine crawlers because they can use the links to explore different parts of the World Wide Web.

For instance, if one of your webpages haven’t been indexed yet and you were able to publish a guest post containing the link to that particular page, it increases the chance that search bots will come across your domain and be able to explore through your content.

On the side of human users, backlinks can help boost their perception of your brand’s authority in your niche. A backlink serves as a vote of confidence in your published resources. It shows users that you are an expert in the industry with reliable and relevant knowledge. This factor can boost consumers’ trust in your products and services and increase conversions.

Guest blogging is one of the most common ways to acquire backlinks. With this, you must reach out to authority websites and blogs in your niche and ask them to publish your content with your accompanying link. If they approve your request, your brand will be introduced to their reader base, which can generate interest for your products and services.

Here are three factors that affect a backlink’s value:

  • Linking Site Authority: The perceived credibility of the source plays a significant role in the value of your backlink. When looking for publishers of your guest post, top authoritative websites in your industry or niche are the best domains to contact. Backlinks from these sites send more favorable signals to search engines rather than from lesser-known sources.
  • Link Relation or Status: Guest post publishers can add an HTML rel attribute to your links that can affect their backlink value. The dofollow and nofollow statuses determine whether authoritative sites will send link juice toward your website or not. The former is preferred since it notifies search engines to give SEO value to the link in a piece of content.
  • Link Location: Guest posting is a tool you can use to build a powerful link building campaign because you get to determine the exact location of your backlink.Links placed within the content’s main body has more SEO value compared to hyperlinks found in a web page’s headers, footers, or sidebars.
  1. Resource Links

Aside from the articles that you publish on your blog, you should also take advantage of link opportunities through your other content. Resource links are URLs for tools you offer at no cost to consumers. In addition to being relevant, these should provide value to web user’s queries.

These are some examples of free tools where you can publish your links:

  • E-books: How-to guides, infographics, and even materials you publish on platforms, like Slideshare, can let you broadcast your brand and links to reach your target audience.E-books are particularly valuable because you can provide potential customers with more comprehensive information on a particular subject or topic.
  • Webinars: Webinars have started to gain traction as a digital marketing tool, especially with the current coronavirus pandemic. The primary link opportunity for this digital event is by repurposing your webinars and publishing them as recordings that other blogs can link to in their content.Next is to publish transcripts for the videos and find relevant words that you can use as anchors for other internal links. Just remember to keep it in moderation since you don’t want the content to come off as spammy.
  • Software: Another way to incorporate your links is through free software that they can download on your website. This can be a free trial of your product and service or a complementary tool that potential customers can use to solve their issues or problems. You can include a link that directs them to the full version of the software. Most consumers won’t have any qualms because they can enjoy the tools at no cost.

website links social profiles

  1. Profile Links

Social media is an excellent tool for increasing your visibility. To boost your online presence, create official accounts for your brand on different digital platforms.

You can reach your target audience on social media websites, like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. If you cater to a younger demographic, publishing engaging content on Snapchat and TikTok may be your best course.

You can also join forums and communities in your niche as well as participate in a question and answer sites to build your reputation as an expert with substantial industry knowledge.

An in-depth look at the different online profiles you should have:

  • Social Media: Aside from the usual social media platforms, you can take advantage of Reddit and LinkedIn, especially if you’re a Business-to-Business (B2B) company. These two channels are useful for building your reputation in your niche.You just have to be careful when sending out links for your campaign since users in these sites aren’t too keen on being marketed. Nurture their interest first, and you’ll be fine.
  • Niche Forums: Similar to Reddit and LinkedIn, niche forums are valuable for boosting your brand’s authority in your industry. Engage web users in these communities so that you can build your name and show your expertise. This can help you gain a following that’s interested in your products and services.
  • Q&A Sites: Participate in a question and answer site as well to find out what common issues potential customers are facing. Then, if you can give them the best solution to their problems, they may become more open to hearing about your products and services, which is the first step toward converting them to paying customers.
  1. Directory Links

A lot of business owners think that joining or having their brand and website published in industry directories is just a waste of time. However, links from this source can give your digital marketing campaign a boost. You just have to be meticulous in looking for channels to approach. With the proper amount of research, you can find several relevant platforms online.

Local directories, such as Yelp and Bing, are also useful. These platforms are particularly effective for businesses that have brick-and-mortar stores because these can help you boost foot traffic to your establishment.


  1. Google My Business Link

Google My Business (GMB) is a search engine’s feature that helps companies provide first-hand information about their enterprise.

One primary benefit that you can enjoy with a GMB profile is that you can publish a link to your official website, which is prominently displayed in the Knowledge Panel of the SERPs. This way, when web users search for your company name on the search engine, they can click on a legit site.

For your digital marketing campaign: these are the top GMB features that you should maximize:

  • Company Description: This section is located just below the URL of your official website. It allows you to describe your business in your own words.There’s a limit of 750 characters, though, so make sure to keep it concise and relevant. If you have a Wikipedia page, the search engine can also automatically retrieve data from the site and use it as your company description.
  • Google Posts: This part of your GMB profile is useful for providing timely information on updates about your brand. Each post can contain a maximum of 300 words. It’s good to update this part of your GMB account.Sometimes, it’s more convenient for potential customers to look through your posts right on the SERP rather than having to click on your link and get redirected to your website.
  • Customers Tab: The Customers tab has three sections. The first one is Reviews, which is the part where users can leave their feedback and rating of your shop for the public to see. Followers and Messages are the second and third sections, respectively.You must also take note of the engagements you have in this part of your GMB profile since it’s one way to show customers that you listen to what they have to say about your products and services.
  • Q&A: In this section, you can post the frequently asked questions of your customers. Some users will share their inquiries about your products and services, so be prepared to answer their queries as well.
  • Appointment Setting: Google has also equipped GMB profiles with a nifty appointment setting tool. When you configure the settings of your account, you can have potential customers book an appointment with you directly on the SERP. This makes it more convenient for interested users to get to know your brand more. You can set the link to direct consumers to your website’s calendar tool.


Links are an essential part of your digital marketing strategy. If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, you must know the different types of hyperlinks and how they can help you build your reputation and authority in your niche.

Consumers’ needs and preferences continue to evolve, so you must always be ready to adapt to the latest trends in SEO and other online advertising methods.

emily griffin

Emily Griffin

Emily Griffin
Emily has been studying the marketing industry for the past 5 years and now works in a successful marketing agency. When she’s not helping clients with their marketings needs, she’s spending time with friends or walking her dog – Coco.


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