If you are looking to save money on checks you can save a significant amount by ordering online.
We are in 2020 and everything is going online. Among other things, we have witnessed the introduction of online payment methods such as PayPal to replace the traditional means of payments. However, even with the emergence of these peer-to-peer systems, checks are still being used.
Statistics from the Federal Reserve shows that more than 18 billion checks were used in 2015 alone. Shocking, right?
This is a huge number given the increased number of businesses that prefer electronic means of payment. However, some businesses such as landlords still prefer to receive rent payments through checks.
Whichever the case that would make a business opt for check payment as opposed to other methods of payment, it is important to ensure that you are getting them at the lowest cost possible.
Of course, the quickest way to get new business checks is through ordering from your bank. However, you should not take that route if you are looking to save money on checks. You can save a significant amount of money by ordering checks online.
Read along to learn how to order business checks online and what you need when ordering.
You’ve probably heard it from other business owners and in business forums, but do you know how to order business checks online? Do you know you can save a significant amount when ordering checks online? What about the security features? Will the business checks you order online have the same security features as those ordered from your bank?
Well, ordering checks online is not as complicated as it seems. With the right information and guidance, you can easily get your business checks and save a significant amount of money. Even so, you’ll need to have some important pieces of information, including:
Routing Number
A routing is among the critical pieces of information you should have before ordering checks online. Also called the ABA routing transit number, a routing number refers to the 9-digit numbers that are unique to your bank. It is usually used together with your account when writing a check or when conducting electronic payments.
You can find it on the front side of the check at the bottom. In most cases, this is below the account number.
If you are not aware of your routing number, log into your bank account online and request a bank statement. The other option is to inquire directly from your bank.
Checking Account Number
Another important piece of information you will need when ordering business checks online is the checking number. It is a 14-digit number and is found on the bottom of the check next to the routing number on the right.
If you don’t have a paper check, consider logging into your bank account to get the checking account number. You can also call your bank directly to inquire.
Check Number
You’ll also need to know your check number before getting business checks online. While it isn’t a requirement, you may want your check numbers to start where you left for an existing account. The advantage of numbering your checks accordingly is that it will make recording keeping much easier.
On the other hand, if you’re dealing with a new account, you may want to start with check number 1001. Yes, there’s no law requiring you to start at 101. Among other things, starting with check 1001 will make your account not look new.
Check Style
Another critical issue you have to keep in mind when ordering business checks online is the style. Whether you want regular checks or duplicate checks, you would want to choose the style for your checks.
Depending on the business that you run, you may want to choose plain checks or decorated ones. The best thing is that many check printing companies can offer customized check designs according to your preference.
Scammers are always looking for new ways to scam people. As such, you need to be careful to ensure you don’t become a victim when ordering business checks online. Remember checks contain your banking details, including the account number and other personal details that scammers can use against you.
You should, therefore, consider the type of security offered by an online check company before deciding to order from them.
Among other things, ensure that the company uses anti-forgery tools when printing their checks. Scammers are always looking at ways to change the check details and enter new details to serve their purpose.
To avoid this, ensure that the check you order online has security features that make it hard for it to be altered. Some companies decide to use a paper sensitive to chemicals when printing the checks. As such, when a scammer tries to forge the check using chemicals, the check will change its color and so it will not be accepted as payment.
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