Things Every New Content Marketer Should Know - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

October 2, 2020 Things Every New Content Marketer Should Know

There are several marketing strategies every new marketer should keep an eye out for.

As the consumer behaviors and technology evolves, Higher Education institutes and Universities are stepping into a new era of Digital Marketing. Like many of the other industries, there are certain aspects of marketing that educators have to embrace if they want to stay toe to toe with their competitors. As we live through 2019 and look back at the trends in 2018, we can see that they have grown exponentially and are beginning to take hold. These are several marketing strategies every new content marketer should not only keep an eye out for, but also to implement in 2019 marketing plan.

Emphasizing SEO

The traffic on all websites increases with the help of high search rankings. There are many ways and tactics that companies are implementing to increase their search rankings. This is the reason that SEO stands almost at the top when it comes to the marketing trends. Studies conducted by Pro-Papers show that almost 93% of people use search engines when it comes to surfing the web. Here are some SEO strategies that marketers are using:

Meta Descriptions: These are 150-160-character long descriptions that websites use to make visible in their search results. These are supposed to show an attractive description of the university to the students in the search results.

Keywords: websites ideally use 1-3% keywords. This helps them in avoiding any awkward phrasing or keyword spamming and helps them rank up higher in the search results.

Quality Content: digital agencies are usually known for having great content on their webpages, but to make sure that it is also marketed well, they hire content writers that specialize in digital marketing.

5G Internet – Revolutionizing marketing

The future holds one big package for us by the name of 5G. It would offer unparalleled responsiveness and speed, with many countries already working on implementing it and companies like Huawei already introducing their first 5G foldable device.

While there might be a little while for it to be standardized around the globe, there are exciting ideas for higher ed digital marketing campaigns involving the speed and accessibility of 5G.

Staying on top and following the latest and most effective trends is very important for any school to not get left behind. Moreover, when the next major thing is here, they can implement it and maintain their online reputation so that they are connected to the people who reach out to them and beyond.

Web Content Personalization

Web content can be designed to target certain individuals, and there are a number of universities that have this noted when they design their website. Here are some ways how a website can be tailored to target a specific audience:

Activity of people on a website can be analyzed to design and create content for email marketing.

New search suggestions can be created by analyzing the existing data from the website.

There is a personalization pyramid often implemented by companies. Here are the personalization pyramid levels:

Segmentation: There should be multiple sections on the website that cover different sections that viewers are searching for.

Optimization: Search engine optimization is one of the most critical components of the personalization pyramid.

One to One Personalization: The use of AI makes sure that the content that is visible is relevant to what the viewers are interested in.

Moving platforms

Social media is an everchanging platform; everything that’s trending today might not be trending tomorrow. Many agencies pulled themselves out of certain platforms and stepped into the more rising ones. The ones that do this at the earliest see the highest engagements and results as the target audience isn’t much at the beginning. If they step in early enough, they can be the authority in that platform.

Ultimately, it depends on what you bring to the audience. Therefore, even if you are the first one to enter the platform, there is no guarantee that you will succeed. There are many things that come in factor when you are aiming to be the authority on the social media networks.

The search engines have updated their algorithms to adjust them and prioritize the pages that are showing the results of common voice searched questions. Many digital marketing experts are suggesting that the websites should start making strategies centered around the voice search feature to better optimize their websites.

Having the best results when it comes to marketing is only possible if you are up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and know what strategies to implement. The ones that are mentioned above are some of the hottest and most effective strategies being used by some of the most noted companies. So, make sure that you are caught up with these trends and implement them on time, if you don’t want to stay behind.


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