Web Design for the Hospitality Industry - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing & Industry News

September 27, 2019 Web Design for the Hospitality Industry

Four practical web design tips for the hospitality industry.

September 27, 2019

If you run a hotel or another business in the hospitality industry, your website must attract and convert its users. There are several ways in which you can use web design to attract customers and ensure they stay on your site rather than browse competitors’ websites. Here is a look at four of the best practical web design tips you can utilize to ensure your business is attracting and engaging clients.

Hire the Best Web Designer

A well-designed website is essential for any business in the hospitality industry. After all, your website is the face of your company and is often the first point of contact customers, and clients have with your business. If you want to engage visitors to your website, it’s recommended you hire a professional web design company to build your site. The best web design firms only employ the most exceptional talent. So, if you are serious about your hospitality business’s website, it’s worth hiring a renowned web design company. The best design firms may not be cheap, but it can be extremely beneficial to your business if you employ a designer who offers high-quality design. Clay, a UI design agency in San Fran, is one such agency that provides websites, mobile apps, and enterprise software. These companies with you to define, design, and build excellent user experiences across all of your web platforms. The benefit of using an established design that they will have worked with all manner of businesses, from startups to Fortune 100 Companies.

hospitality industry web design tips

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

Create an Excellent First Impression

First impressions matter. That is especially true of web design. When a user visits your website, it’s the first few seconds that make an impression. So, you must make the right impact when clients initially look at your site. Otherwise, they could go to another website, and you could lose their business forever. To create an excellent first impression, start by showing the call-to-action at the top of your website’s home page. That will increase the click-through rates and facilitate conversion rates. For sites on mobile devices, the call-to-action should follow the user as they scroll down the page. Another way to hook the user from the moment they click on your website is to show a snapshot of your business’s unique selling points. You need to demonstrate what sets your hospitality business apart from your competition. You also need to boost users’ interest and trust so they will browse further on your website.

Don’t Ignore Mobile Devices

The majority of visitors to hospitality industry websites still use computers the most. However, mobile devices are continuing to be used more and more to look up information and book hotel rooms and conference spaces. It’s therefore essential you make sure your website has optimal performance. Optimize images and resources and ensure the content loads quickly. The content must also be legible. If the content is hard to read or focus-on, it can have a direct impact on the time users spend on your website.

Guarantee Security

Whatever type of business you run in the hospitality industry, you’ll usually offer a booking process via your website. Therefore, it’s imperative your site is secure, and you let the users know that. You can give users peace of mind by showing security platform seals such as VeriSign, which indicates Visa verifies the payment method. That will assure your website’s visitors and increase the number of conversions.


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